Author Visits

Check out the sessions available below. It’s all really flexible and I welcome feedback or suggestions about how I can adapt my offerings to better meet the needs of your school. The age ranges are just a guide. You’ll know which workshop or book will best suit your pupils.

The Assembly

An assembly for the whole school. It’s interactive, inclusive and inspiring. Guarenteed to leave your students excited about reading, writing and books!

Recommended age: Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 (4- 11 years)
Duration: 45 mins

The Virtual I Can Only Draw Worms Drawing Workshop

A reading of This is NOT a Fairy Tale and LOLLIE award shortlisted picture book I Can Only Draw Worms, a Q&A and a worm drawing workshop perfect for coaxing creativity from even the least confident of illustrators.

Recommended age: Early Years, Reception, Y1, Y2 (3- 7 years)
Duration: 45 mins

Will Mabbitt Presents: This is NOT a Fairy Tale.

A reading from This is NOT a Fairy Tale, and a design-your-own fairy story workshop, focussing on changing existing stories to create our own exciting new fairy tales.

Recommended age: Y1, Y2, Y3 (5- 8 years)
Duration: 45 minutes

Will Mabbitt Presents: The Unlikely Adventures of Mabel Jones

A reading from the Unlikely Adventures of Mabel Jones and a design-your-own animal pirate character workshop!

Recommended age: Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 (7- 11 years)
Duration: 45 minutes

Will Mabbitt Presents: The Embassy of the Dead

A fun and interactive workshop using the spooky adventure series, The Embassy of the Dead to focus on ideas, mistakes, and self-confidence in the writing process, and a design-your-own ghost story workshop.

Recommended age: Y5 ,Y6, Y7 (9+ years)
Duration: 45 minutes

Book Sale and Signing

A lot of schools appreciate the opportunity for their students to buy signed books. I’m happy to organise a book sale and stay after school to sign books for no extra cost.